dimanche 5 février 2012

Start-up founder : booster or dead weight?

Initially the founders constitute 100% of the total value of the company: they bring ideas, vision, market, technology, products and financial resources.

Over time, other actors bring also value to the company, adding to the founders'value : employees bring their own vision, their expertise, experience, and realize products , develop sales, and financial resources.

The contribution value ratio of founders mechanically becomes smaller and smaller, although in volume it can still increase, the other contributors'value will (or should?) grow faster. Beyond this, the changing value of the founder is more or less preferable depending on the below scenario.

Eggshell scenario: the founder remains, the company asphyxiates

As processes of value creation become identified and distributed within the organization, the role of the founder runs out, but not his pension. Trying to keep full control not only deprives the company of necessary capital, but also slows development projects (too ambitious for the founder's purse), willing to favor its return on investment. Executives become frustrated and gradually leave the ship, and carry with them the process of value creation. These processes are then to be re-create, but this time, without the creative energy of a startup ignition. Potentially lethal situation.

DNA scenario: the founder leaves, the company grows

If the founder is a "geneticist" and finds its grail in the exploratory phase, it will do anything to transfer its total value to others by ensuring that the DNA of the start-up will speak. Besides, to give the best guarantees of a successful opening of its capital, it must show that his company will be robust, that it will invent, recruit, produce, sell and be profitable by itself, without its intervention . The founder can then devote his value to another adventure.

Key vault scenario: the founder leaves, the company falls apart

If the founder is an "artist", the contribution of its value represents an irreplaceable base, although declining, the evolution of the company will remain suspended at this sword of Damocles: life accident , vision loss, frustration teams.
Roots scenario: the founder remains, the company explodes

The founder has successfully transferred its total value to the company, eventually completely embody it and his presence alone is enough to power the company capital, turnover and talents. The founder of the company acts as a brand, to manage as an intangible asset.

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